Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Soup Scoop

I wanted to take a photo of  the soup I made tonight for the soup party I am having in a couple of weeks. I forgot and ate all the soup. It was ridiculously delicious. I have a brief recipe here if you would like to follow it. I love making soup because its the ultimate food. It can be drunk or eaten with a spoon, contain as many or as few ingredients as you like, be chunky or smooth and because its usually quite healthy and light, be eaten whenever you like. So this is my chunky soup from this evening:

1 onion
1 eggplant
3 small zucchini
3 carrots
4 tomatoes
1 cup chickpeas
1 can tomato soup
2 teaspoons vege stock powder
2 cloves garlic
1 red birdseye chilli
1 tablespoon (anchovy infused) olive oil*
1 teaspoon Arabic seven spice
3 cups water

All veges were diced and sauteed for 10 minutes before adding in the tomato soup and the water. Then it was boiled for about another 20 mins to ensure everything was well cooked and the flavours thoroughly infused together. The result was a very delicious hearty soup, that I consequently ate too much of. The eggplant I think was my favourite part. It got very soft and succulent, absorbing a lot of flavour.

As briefly mentioned I am honing my soup making skills prior to having a soup party as a fundraiser for a volunteer trip I am going on to Indonesia to undertake community development with a focus on permaculture  food production for small villages struggling to manage the inevitable Western influence. It should be a very fun and enlightening voyage.